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Data persistence in Mockplus RP

GDL · 3651 · 9 · 4:06 PM    Sep 16, 2022


I'm currently experimenting with Mockplus RP.

I'm stuck on a specific capability, maybe because I shouldn't just expect it from a prototyping tool.

In my project I'm using Page groups to represent different functionalities/flows (not sure if it's the best approach), namely Group #1 contains pages used to create (C) entities and group #2 pages should serve to modify (M) those entities.

I would like to persist data acquired through C pages so that I can select an entity in M pages and modify it.

I can't find any resource regarding data persistence or integration with external data, just as it seems that Mockplus RP doesn't provide an internal repository for this purpose.

What do you suggest to address the requirement?

Thank you

Kind regards

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Guide Super Mario through various levels, overcoming obstacles, and defeating enemies to rescue Princess Peach from the villain Bowser.

2:55 PM    Dec 11, 2023



just as it seems that Mockplus RP doesn't provide an internal repository for this purpose. 

 drywall contractors

12:53 AM    Dec 2, 2023



Mockplus RP is primarily a prototyping tool, and as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, it doesn't inherently support data persistence or integration with external data sources. It focuses on creating only up  interactive and visual prototypes to showcase user flows and design interactions.

However, if you need to simulate data persistence and interaction between pages, you might need to use workarounds within the capabilities of the tool. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Use Local Variables:

    • Many prototyping tools, including Mockplus RP, allow you to define and use local variables. You can simulate data persistence by storing information in local variables when a user creates an entity (C pages). Then, when navigating to modify pages (M pages), you can use the stored variables to simulate retrieving the data.
  2. Linking Between Pages:

    • Set up links between your C and M pages. When creating an entity on a C page, simulate the data being passed to the linked M page. This doesn't actually persist data but helps simulate the flow as if data is being transferred between different pages.
  3. Annotations or Notes:

    • Use annotations or notes within the prototype to explain the intended data flow. While this doesn't simulate real data persistence, it can help communicate the design intention to stakeholders or developers.
  4. External Documentation:

    • Create external documentation that details the data flow and how data is expected to persist between different pages. This can include details on how a created entity on a C page is expected to be available on an M page.
  5. User Flows and Narratives:

    • Clearly define and present user flows or narratives that describe the intended interaction. This can help communicate the intended behavior even if the prototyping tool itself doesn't handle data persistence.

Remember that prototyping tools like Mockplus RP are more focused on visual and interactive aspects of design rather than backend functionality. If your project requires actual data persistence and integration, you might need to explore more advanced tools or platforms that allow for such functionality or consider using a combination of prototyping tools and backend development environments. Always check for updates or new features in the Mockplus RP tool or consider reaching out to their support for the latest information.

12:21 PM    Nov 21, 2023



Use conditional interactions to control the flow based geometry dash free on user actions. For example, after creating an entity, set up interactions that lead to the modification (M) pages.

3:33 PM    Nov 17, 2023



One way is to use an external data storage solution. You can use a database, a cloud storage service, or even a text file. When a user creates an entity in site group C, you can save that entity's data to your external storage solution. Then, when a user wants to modify that entity, you can load the data slither io from your external storage solution. 

10:43 AM    Nov 14, 2023



One way is to use an external data storage solution. You can use a database, a cloud storage service, or even a text file. When a user creates an entity in site group C, you can save that entity's data to your external storage solution. Then, when a user wants to modify that entity, you can load the data slither io from your external storage solution. 

10:42 AM    Nov 14, 2023


Mockplus Team

Hi GCL, thanks a lot for reaching us. Mockplus allows you to move pages into different groups. 

For your requirements to persist data acquired through pages in a group, could you offer us more details? Or in what circumstance do you need that function? 

Looking forward to your reply and have a great day! 

6:47 PM    Sep 19, 2022




That's a general question, there's no particular circumstance: I need a "playable prototype" so that business users can see "real data" moving around pages.

Suppose I have page C with three input fields and a "Save" button: I fill in the fields, hit the button and then data gets persisted "somewhere"; I do this five times so as to create/persist as many entities.

Afterwards, on page M I can search for/get a list of all the five created/persisted entities, pick one of them, modify it and save it back.

Please note that I mentioned Groups just because I'm using them to organize pages in a logical way, so my requirement does not include the "in a group" part, unless it helps.

Thank you

5:14 PM    Sep 20, 2022

Mockplus Team

Hi GDL, thanks for getting back to us. To be honest, we don't support that currently, but only simulate that kind of effect. 

We have submitted your requirements to our product manager, who is working to get first hand feedback from users about our products. Later if any updates of the same, we will create announcement in the community, as well as in our website.

Get back to us at any time when you need anything from us. Enjoy your day! 

1:33 PM    Sep 21, 2022

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